The Story of Wali Songo Sunan Gunung Jati

CERITACERITAKU.COM – The Story of Wali Songo Sunan Gunung Jati, Successfully Spreading Islam in the Land of Sunda – Sunan Gunung Jati is a guardian who spreads Islam in the Land of Sunda. The success of his da’wah cannot be separated from his political strategy and traditional approach. Sunan Gunung Jati is a descendant of Sultan Syarif Abdullah or Sheikh Maulana Akbar who married the daughter of King Siliwangi, Nyai Rara Santang. Born from an aristocratic family, Sunan Gunung Jati easily carried out the mission of spreading Islam with the blessing of his mother.

As written in the Mertasinga Manuscript, this saint known as Syarif Hidayatullah deepened his religious knowledge through his teachers. He studied in Mecca and studied with Sheikh Najmudin Kubra.

Apart from that, he also studied with Sheikh Muhammad Athaillah, Sheikh Sidiq, Sheikh Benthong, Datuk Bahrul, and Sunan Ampel.

Quoted from Digilib UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, the success of the da’wah carried out by Sunan Gunung Jati was marked by the flourishing of Islamic adherents in the Land of Sunda. Until now, about 90% of the population of the western part of Java has embraced Islam.

The Islamization process carried out by Sunan Gunung Jati uses a traditional approach. Through various customs and cultures that developed in the community, Sunan Gunung Jati succeeded in incorporating Islamic elements in it.

One of the traditions that developed at that time was the commemoration of the day of the dead or what is commonly called the feast for seven days, forty days, to one hundred days. The tradition originated from the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Sunan Gunung Jati then converted to Islam by reading remembrance, tahlil, tahmid, tasbih, reading the Koran, and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad. Other cultural heritages such as wayang kulit, dances, and other performing arts are also given Islamic values ​​by Sunan Gunung Jati.

Meanwhile, there are several Islamic traditions that are spread to the people of Sunda Land such as the commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, Nuzulul Quran, and Isra’ Mi’raj.

Mentioned in the same source, Sunan Gunung Jati also contributed to the arrangement of the economic system in the Cirebon area. He applies Islamic principles in buying and selling transactions, leasing, profit sharing (mudharabah and musharakah), and similar activities.

Sunan Gunung Jati not only disseminates religious knowledge, he also spreads knowledge in various fields such as state affairs, economy, society, health, family, and education.

The entry of Sunan Gunung Jati’s da’wah to the Cirebon area cannot be separated from the history of the collapse of the Sunda Kingdom due to the Banten Kingdom’s attack. At that time there was a shift in the religious life of the people in the Land of Sunda.

Around the 16th century, Islam had spread to Priangan. Sunan Gunung Jati also established mosques and Islamic boarding schools as a base for his da’wah in Cirebon and surrounding areas.

This is what became the center of the development of Islam along with the presence of Sunan Gunung Jati.

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